Deacon Financial Update

January 2025

Here are a few highlights:
  • Total giving is 22% higher ($277k) and expenses are 16% higher ($147k) on a year-to-date basis vs prior year
  • Our cash balance is $787K in the general (operating) fund and $1,012K across all funds.
  • Our loan balance (for the land and building) is $220K.
Looking forward there are a few things to point out:
  • Thanks to some sizeable gifts in Nov & Dec we are in a favorable position vs our plan.
  • The staff love offering received in Dec was paid in Jan.  Thank you so much for your generosity. 
  • Roof leaks present the biggest facility challenge but we may have a cost effective solution for a roof sealant.
  • While the irrigation system works, when we turn it on and put some pressure in the lines, the 25+ year old pvc breaks at the weakest points.  Considering abandoning the existing valves / heads and starting over.
  • All the down lighting in the front exterior of the building was just replaced with LED.   Drive by at night – it looks great and should last for years to come.
  • Planning a work day in March to complete the cleaning of the roof and clearing some brush on the west side of the church. 
  • Continue to look at responsible ways to make improvements to our facilities and worship experience.

As you are aware, CBC receives no outside support.  100% comes from the people that call CBC their church home.  Thanks for your time and attention.  For any questions,  please email

The Deacon Board