Learn Together Groups

The focus of Learn Together groups is just that - learning.We learn to love God more and more as we grow in our knowledge of Him. No matter what stage of life we are in, we all need to be continual students of God’s Word.

While some groups are formed around learning needs, from beginners to seasoned students; other groups are formed around life stage, from young moms to grandmothers, from stay-at-home moms to career women.

If your primary desire is to know more about the Bible, a Learning Together group is right for you! Please check out the list of Learning Together Bible studies we are currently offering. While starting with the group at the beginning of the study is ideal, you may join a group at any time.
Tuesday Morning – Precepts
9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Starting September 17

This year our Precepts Group will be covering I Samuel, 2 Samuel/ 1 Chronicles, I Thessalonians.
All ages are welcome! Homework is moderate to heavy. No childcare is provided.
Group meets at CBC
Wednesday Morning Women's Group
Beginning January 15

Join us as we read through "The Bride of Christ" by Sheryl Pellitero.
This group meets at CBC.  No childcare is offered.

Wednesday Evening Women's Group
6:30-8:30 PM
Beginning January 15

The study topic for this semester is the book "Crossing the Waters" by Leslie Leyland Fields.
You'll be swept up in a fresh experience of the gospels, traveling with the fishermen disciples from Jesus' baptism to the final miraculous catch of fish―and also experiencing Leslie's own efforts to follow Christ out on her own Alaskan sea. In a time when so many are "unfollowing" Jesus and leaving the Church, Crossing the Waters delivers a fresh encounter with Jesus and explores what it means to "come, follow me."
This group meets at CBC. Childcare is not offered.
Thursday Morning Women's Group - Nearing a Far God
10:00 - 12:00 PM
Beginning Sept. 19

In Nearing a Far God, master teacher Leslie Leyland Fields explores 7 different forms of the psalms – lament, wisdom, trust, confession, creation, thanksgiving, and praise. The psalms provide a clear path for us to move toward joy.  As we begin to see the Psalms with fresh eyes and discover how to speak the language of authentic relationship, we will learn how to come before God in our best and worst moments, find our truest voice in praying the psalms and encounter the intimate God who responds.

Friday Afternoon Women's Group - Live No Lies
2-3:30 PM at CBC
Beginning Jan. 10

This new group will focus on spiritual growth by reading Christian books, both classic and new,
and participating in weekly group discussions (book club style).
The amount of reading will vary but will be manageable(typically 1-2 chapters per week).
We will meet at CBC on Fridays beginning January 10,  2pm-3:30pm at CBC.
Participants will be asked to order their own books (link below) - the next book is "Life Together" by Bonhoeffer.