RightNow Media Studies

RightNow Media is a curated list of video studies for Small Group and personal study.  Video studies are a great option because they allow expert teachers to teach on a particular subject or book of the Bible and usually come with a discussion guide for leaders to use with their groups.  All of these studies have been used and recommended by CBC leaders.  If you have any questions about these studies or need access to RightNow Media, please reach out to Britt Ousley. If you would like to recommend a RNM study, you can do so on this form.
Study: The Power of Knowing God
Speaker: Tony Evans
CBC Leader Comment: Our group loved it; inspiring.

Study: The Book of 1 Peter
Speaker: Kyle Idleman
CBC Leader Comment: Remembering the purpose of the church and our place in the world.

Study: Marriage - Built to Last 
Speaker: Chip Ingram
CBC Leader Comment: A good reminder to keep important things in their right place.

Study: The Christmas Experience
Speaker: Kyle Idleman
CBC Leader Comment: A story fleshed out on the framework of Scripture with some good actors, in a way like "The Chosen."

Study: Character of God
Speaker: Tim Macke
CBC Leader Comment: Rich reminder of God's beauty and goodness, presented visually in a unique way.

Study: Psalm 23
Speaker: Matt Chandler
CBC Leader Comment: A good study of a familiar passage; each of the 6 sessions  was short enough to allow good discussion; very well received; visually done well.

Study: Hearing God
Speaker: Dallas Willard
CBC Leader Comment: Interesting and challenging.

Study: Thriving in Babylon
Speaker: Larry Osborne
CBC Leader Comment: How to live in a world that is increasingly resistant to biblical value; standing strong when it's needed most.

For more recommended content, visit the CBC curated library on RNM.